And thank you for visiting.
Please be
aware that our site is currently
organized into two different
"views" you may use depending on
your shopping style.
shopping site
(where you are now) is based
on our no-nonsense shopping
cart. Here, you may browse
anonymously or sign in to
your own private account to
make purchases, keep a wish
list, save a shopping cart,
track your orders and more.
Search our vast database of
products by country, type or
category. Of course your
security and satisfaction
are our highest concerns. |
Our traditional website we
call the
showcase site. It
has products organized by
type, with lots of helpful
information about each type
of product. There are plenty
of pictures and a friendly
feel throughout. Browse
around. Ready to find out
more about the pricing of an
item or to begin your
purchasing? The product links will
take you back here to our
shopping site. (You may also
enter or return to our
showcase site directly from
here.) |
These pages offer a delightful resource for citizens of
the world of all ages. We encourage you to explore and enjoy!
Again, thanks for visiting.